Saturday, July 16, 2005

Campfire Stories
VBS 2005 - Ringwood Baptist Church - Serengeti Safari
This is what our campfire stories looked like. Picture taken without a flash.

Teens and Young Adult Leaders
What a blessing to have so many young adults and teens willing to work with the kids at the Ringwood Baptist Church 2005 VBS - Serengeti Safari. Here they are taking a break and having some fun before that evening's program started.
On the shoulders - Kyle Ormston
Standing (from left to right) - Tim DuMont, Amanda Lillis, Mike Sawyer, Ben Baker
Seated (from left to right) - Christen Zucnick & Sarah Lillis

Opening Progam
A church full of kids and two great young adults willing to serve Christ. Here is a picture of Amanda Lillis and Tim DuMont leading the kids in music during our opening program at VBS 2005.

VBS Gifts
Thanks to a suggestion given by my sister, Gretel, Amanda & I used some free gifts from my company to create great give-aways for the kids. Here you can see water bottle holders (blue) and small carry-all packs (black). I bought the cut-outs of jungle animals. Amanda and I painted over the product logo, we glued on the animals and Amanda used puffy paint to write VBS 2005 on each item. The kids when home with a useful gift and a nice reminder of their time at VBS.

Story Time
This is a picture (using a wide angle lens) of me telling stories to one group of kids at the Ringwood Baptist Church 2005 VBS program. The kids were GREAT and the decorations in the room helped to keep their attention. We had SO much fun. Even though I'm exhausted I almost wish we could do two weeks of VBS instead of one week.

Tim & Amanda on stage with Val & Brent
Tim and Amanda were in charge of the music and opening program at the Ringwood Baptist Church's 2005 VBS. Here they are with two "helpers" in front of the Serengeti Sunrise backdrop.

The Wall
VBS 2005 at the Ringwood Baptist Church required that I create an African Hut to tell our safari stories. I used brown grocery bags filled with newspapers to create the walls. Various teens and young women in our church donated their sari-scarves -- large scarves they wrap around themselves to make a skirt, usually worn over their bathing suits. We hung those from the ceiling to give the room an African ambiance.

Story Section
The picture below was taken of the "story place" at the Ringwood Baptist Church 2005 Serengeti Trek VBS. You can see the green pillow which was the "place of honor" for that day's Bible reader. The tall stool was where I sat to lead each group and tell the story. The kids sat around the campfire on Oma's colorful blankets.